
Pet Memorials Pet Memorials

Processing Grief After Losing a Pet

Losing a four-legged friend is one of the most difficult things any pet lover will ever experience. When you lose a pet, you lose a member of your family. Just as you would mourn the loss of a beloved family member, it’s important to process grief over the loss of a pet.Everyone processes grief in their own way. Many people can find themselves paralyzed with grief and don’t know what to do with themselves. The following exercises can serve as a great way to begin processing these emotions:Hold a Pet Memorial ServiceHonoring the bond that you shared with you pet with a formal memorial service can help you process your feelings of loss. Whether you chose to do this at home or use a Pet Memorial Service, it’s a wonderful way to process your grief.Create a Memorial in Your HomePick a place in your home to create a memorial for your pet. Perhaps near his/her food dish or in a favorite corner, whatever is meaningful to you. To honor your pet, light a candle, say a prayer or simply reflect on the time you spent together while honoring the bond you shared.Create an Online TributeOnline tribute services are a great way to help you process your feelings. They’ll allow you share photos, write an obituary and allow others to contribute as well.Make a Scrapbook If you prefer the old fashioned way, scrapbooking is a wonderful way to help visually process your loss. It can give you a chance to revisit the fondest memories you shared with your beloved pet.Write in a JournalJournaling can be therapeutic for dealing with the loss of a pet. Keep a journal and a pen in a convenient place and reach for it as treasured memories pop into your head.Create Some ArtArtistic expression is a therapeutic way to process grief for many people. Whether you paint, draw, sculpt, or compose music, summoning your creative muse can help work through feelings of loss.These are just a few ideas on how to exercise grief over the loss of a pet. While they can be extremely beneficial to processing grief, they’re by no means a substitute for professional help. If you or a loved one are having a particularly difficult time dealing with a loss, don’t hesitate to reach out to a licensed grief counselor.

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How to Know When It’s Time to Euthanize a Pet

If you’re like most people, the thought of ending your beloved pet’s life is unfathomable. He or she is your best friend, your family. You’re a devoted guardian who would do anything and everything to see him or her happy and healthy for as long as possible. It’s that same love and devotion that may bring you to the decision to euthanize. Pet euthanasia is a last resort, but it’s a compassionate choice rooted in love.The decision to euthanize is yours and yours alone. Nobody knows your pet as well as you do. Nobody else gets to decide what is best for your pet. And nobody else has to live with the decision. There is no definitive set list of things that you need to do to determine whether or not you’re making the right decision, but the following steps provide many pet owners in this difficult position with great peace of mind:Look for Signs From Your PetMany animals have a sort of sixth sense of when their time in this world is coming to an end. Refusing food and drink and a lack of interest to engage may be a sign that your pet is ready to exit this world.Get Your Vet’s OpinionA trained veterinarian who knows your pet will be able to provide you with the professional guidance you need to make this decision.Get a Second OpinionWhile your vet may know your animal well, it’s never a bad idea to seek a second opinion. The decision to euthanize an animal is final and seeking the advice of another professional may provide peace of mind.Ask Your Friends and Family For HelpYou likely are not the only person who has a relationship with your pet. Seek advice from friends and family that know your pet and ask for their perspective.Look Into Pet Hospice ServicesWhile the opinion of loved ones is great, seeking advice from an objective bystander can be immensely helpful. With pet hospice services, you can get unbiased advice from a trained professional who can guide you through different strategies to manage your pet’s quality of life.Making life and death decisions for your pet will never be easy, but if you follow these steps you can make an informed decision with a clear conscience knowing you did everything you could to do what’s best for your treasured pet. Whatever you decide, you can take comfort in knowing you let love guide your decision.

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Pet Memorials Pet Memorials

Pet Memorials: Honoring Your Pet’s Life

Since the dawn of civilization, human beings have performed funeral rituals and held memorial services as a way of honoring the departed. These ceremonies are essential for establishing closure, as they allow us a way to grieve the passing of a loved one while celebrating the life they lead.For many, the bond shared with a beloved animal runs just as deep, if not deeper, than that of most human relationships. When we lose a pet, the pain and suffering is just as real and our instinct to mourn the loss is equally strong. As such, it’s fitting that we honor our departed animals in similar fashion.Many people are utilizing Pet funeral homes to help plan memorial services. Most provide cremation and offer a variety of keepsakes to commemorate the deceased after the service. Others elect to perform their own services at home. Whichever option you chose, it’s important that the service provides the opportunity for your family to acknowledge the loss, share fond memories of your beloved pet, and openly express emotions.Losing a pet is a heartbreaking experience; nothing you can do can change that. Holding a memorial service to honor your pet’s life can, however, ease some of the pain associated with the grieving process. To learn more about how you can best prepare for the loss of a pet, give Gentle Journey a call at 602-332-7757 or visit us online.

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