
What to Do Before Euthanizing a Pet

Deciding to euthanize a pet is a heartbreaking choice. In the worst cases, a pet may be involved in an accident or experience a medical condition which causes a great deal of pain, necessitating a quick decision to euthanize. In the case of aging pets or those with debilitating conditions, you have a bit more time to prepare. While nothing associated with this painful choice could be considered a blessing, having time to prepare can make the process more peaceful. Here are some things to consider before the day comes:Create MementosConsider how you want to remember your pet before he or she exits this world. The moments leading up the the procedure will be your last opportunity to take pictures, videos or record that special bark or meow. Some pet lovers like to take an ink stamp of a beloved pet’s paw or make a clay imprint. Think about what would be special and meaningful to you so you have something to remember your friend by.Prepare Your Kids:If you have children, it’s important to explain to them what is going to happen and what that means. For many kids, the loss of a pet is the first encounter they will ever have with death. Handling the situation with grace and delicacy is important to ensure your kids learn the skills necessary to deal with this inevitable fact of life.Prepare YourselfWhile you may be busy taking care of other people, make sure you take care of yourself. If you’ve created a special-bond with a beloved pet, you’re likely to experience immense grief after their passing. Prepare yourself for what comes after the procedure is over. That may involve taking a day off work or making plans to go somewhere or do something that will help you deal with your own grief.Plan GoodbyesInvite friends, family and loved ones to come say their goodbyes. This can be planned for before the procedure or you can have them there with you if you opt for in-home euthanasia. This will allow others who loved your pet a chance to say goodbye and will give your pet added love and attention.Euthanizing a pet will never be an easy decision, but if you’re fortunate enough to have time to prepare you can say your goodbyes on your own terms. If you decide an in-home procedure is right for you, Gentle Journey can help you prepare. Please give us a call 602-332-7757 at or visit us online for more information.

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Pet Memorials Pet Memorials

Should I Get a New Pet Right After Losing One?

When a person experiences the loss of a pet, a void is left. Many people look to fill this void by bringing a new pet into the home. There are many wonderful reasons to do so, but it’s important to make sure that you are ready to give a new animal the love and devotion he or she deserves.Giving yourself and your family time to adequately grieve the loss of deceased pet is generally advisable. Failing to do so can often lead to misplaced resentment towards a new pet. It’s quite common for children to feel disloyal towards an old pet when a new pet is brought into the home too quickly.When you do decide that you and your family are ready, it’s best to avoid a pet that looks too similar to your lost friend. Allow your new friend to develop his/her own personality and avoid comparisons. Your new friend is unique and special and deserves his/her own special bond when you feel you are ready to make that commitment.Ultimately, only you can decide the right time to invite a new pet into your family. There are a whole host of variables to consider when making this decision. At Gentle Journey, we have extensive experience counseling grieving pet owners and are happy to provide support and answer your questions. Give us a call at (602) 332-7757 or visit us online to learn more:

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